實盤五分鐘刮頭皮最佳交易策略,處理突破和假突破,不做馬後砲(Most Profitable Simple SCALPING Strategy)

Hi, everybody 大家好I'm Brian 我是布萊恩It's a little thirty on the afternoon of October 19th, 2019 現在是2019年10月19號下午一點三十分I'm trading on a bitcoin contract 我現在交易的是比特幣合約On the surface of the fire coin 在那個火幣網上面I'm trading on the currency now 我現在在火幣網上交易Now what we see is the Japanese line level 現在我們看到的是日線圖級別After a period of decline 經過前一段階段的下跌過後Now it's running on a small platform 現在是在一個小平台上面運行So we now know that 那麼我們現在已經知道了The general trend is the downward trend 總的大趨勢是下降趨勢This is an hourly trend 這個是一小時級別的趨勢So let's start with the one hour level of support 那我們先把一小時級別的支撐壓力I'll just set it down in all the different places 在各個位置都把它定下來So that would make it easier for us to be in the trading cycle 這樣的話有便於我們在交易周期Our trading cycle is five minutes 我們的交易周期是五分鐘級別So that would be good for us at the 5 minute level 這樣就有利於我們在五分鐘級別裏面的交易Because I used to be on that bitmex 因為我以前是在那個bitmex 上The deal, everybody knows that 交易合約,大家都知道So bitmex is the world's largest contract exchange bitmex 是全世界應該說是最大的合約交易所了Volume is the biggest 成交量是最大的So let's 那我們Why do you want to move to that 為什麼要移到那個火幣網Because 因為Relatively speaking 相對來說Because we're doing that short term 因為我們是做那個短線It's mostly just a list 主要是吃單掛單很少So that's the cost 那這樣的話就是成本來講起The cost of the meal 那個吃單的費用So it makes sense 火幣網還是比較合理It's not too high, it's not too low 也不算高也不算低吧Now let's go to the 5-minute level 現在我們先轉到五分鐘級別上去So let me draw the short trend line 我先畫出短期的趨勢線下降趨勢線Now 現在It's a little bit of a breakthrough 有一點突破趨勢線了Already 已經Downtrend line 下降趨勢線It breaks through 它突破了So what we are supposed to do 那我們按理說呢Now we're going to make an empty list 現在是要做空單Now what about 那現在呢It has broken through the downward trend line 已經突破了下降趨勢線So we're gon na wait 那我們就先等待了I'm just going to draw this 我主要是畫這個呢I'm going to show you the order 給大家看一下我們那個順序The first step is to establish the general direction 首先要確立大方向After the big picture 大方向確定過後And then from 然後再從So in the middle period we have a period of one hour period defined by the period 中週期我們的週期就是一小時周期中周期確定下來So we're looking at the little cycle 那我們就在看小週期So this is the one that I'm drawing right now the short term is a 5 minute level and the short trend is the rising line of sight 那這個是我現在畫的一根是短期是五分鐘級別的短趨勢是上升的視線So we want to break that uptrend line 那我們希望是跌破那個上升趨勢線Fall under 跌破的話Let's just go in the blanks 我們就開空單進場I am now we are waiting 我現在是我們在等Now 現在54 minutes 37 seconds 54分37秒I'm going to wait for this K line 我等這根K線這根K線走完And we're ready to go in there 我們就準備要開空進去Now 現在It's a deal 先成交了After the deal 成交過後呢We're going to be the next one 我們就馬上就是接下來要Stop the damage first 止損先要定下來Check the stop line 把止損線確定下來Because everybody knows about the contract 因為合約交易大家都知道He often has a needle in his hand 他經常會有扎針的現象Including the needle in the market. 包括行情大的時候插針啊In this case 這種情況Occur 發生That's the way it is 那這樣的話Let's go back to safety first 我們先回安全期間I'm gon na put the stop first 就把止損先定下來Because we do it 由於我們是做的Short term 是短期So in the short term 那麼短期的話呢Our stop is small 我們的止損要小So it makes sense to break even 這樣的話盈虧比才能合理I'm just gon na focus on that and how to get in that order 我現在是主要是講一下那個怎麼樣進場那個順序啊What is our plan 我們的計劃也就是說怎麼樣Just follow his steps step by step step by step 只按照他的步驟來一步一步一步一步的來Student: did you use a small amount of money 是不是用了很小的資金I just opened it and I started four 我就開單也就開了四手And now we're moving up 現在在往上走了That's essentially flat out 那基本上已經平倉平掉了It's been knocked off 已經打掉了See no 看到沒有I'm losing a lot of points 就虧了沒多少個點Very little 虧的很少Plus commission 再加上手續費Actually this is a fee especially if you're doing super short term 其實這個手續費特別是做超短線的話The fees are not negligible 手續費是不能忽略的Now let's draw another upward trend line 現在我們再畫一根上漲趨勢線This is a pressure position up here 這個上面是一個壓力位So I 那我What's next 接下來呢Maybe I'll be in that clip video 可能我會在那個剪輯視頻的時候啊I'm gon na take that little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit in the short term what is the trend that's gon na cut him out first 把那種小陰小陽線沒有實質的短期內什麼趨勢得把他先剪了It doesn't 它不然的話It's so boring 大家看着太無聊了I'm just going to go in there now 我現在已經空單開進去了It's 91 是在91Why the approach 為什麼進場Because the trend line is broken 因為首先已經破了趨勢線了The upward trend line is broken 上漲趨勢線已經破了So you look at the two star cross stars in front of you 這樣的你們看前面連續兩根流星十字星This is especially the second one 這個特別是第二根Fall 下跌下跌下跌Already 已經Thoroughness 徹底Downtrend 在下降趨勢We're just gon na wait 我們就接下來就等着Be patient 就有耐心Stop the damage first 先把止損定下來Predetermine 把止損先確定Due to loss 因為止損Don't forget that 大家千萬不要忘了啊All go to the list 都開到單Whether you're doing stocks or not 不管你們做股票也好It's better to do futures or Foreign Exchange 做期貨也好做外匯也好That is to say stop loss is the basis for your life 就是說止損是大家保命的一個基礎You win more 你贏再多By then 到時候He's got a needle in it. 把它被他一把插針If you go down, you're going to explode 下去的話會爆倉I'm gon na tighten that stop a little bit now 我現在又把那個止損扣得緊一點A paragraph of a paragraph is just a piece of a button. 一段一段的只是指一段一段的扣The bottom line is 最低限度就是說Even if it's all of a sudden it's pulling up 哪怕就是說突然就拉上去So our stoploss 那我們的止損打掉And then we're at least break-even or a little bit profitable 然後我們至少是保本或者是略有盈利的It's just that the transaction is very simple 只是交易說起來也是很簡單That is to say 就是說Planned execution 計劃執行力Be strong 一定要強Can't wait for a fluke 不能等僥倖Because what we do is now 因為我們做的是現在We're not disappointed in this deal.
這次交易我們不是做的失望啊It's not a fluke, it's not a lot of disappointment 不是做的僥倖不是多的失望Fall 下跌We'll cut them off 我們就砍掉If we are short 如果我們是空單的話Now I'm going to go up here 現在空單拉上去We have to be very strict in our position 到了我們的位置就必須要嚴格執行There's another one that says 還有一個就是說The profit and loss ratio is reasonable 盈虧比要合理You can't say a lot of people just make a little bit of money and run a little bit 你不能說很多人就是說賺了一點就跑賺了一點就跑啊It's like a vegetable garden 就像菜場的啊Old aunty old uncle 老阿姨老伯伯一樣I'm making money today 我今天的菜錢賺到了The money was made 菜錢賺到了Tomorrow's meat is making money 明天的肉錢賺到了But you don't know when you lose 但是你不知道你虧的時候You go down 你一下子下去You have half a house. 你連半個房子The house has been lost 房子都虧掉了So 所以說Let's do this short term transaction 我們做這個短線交易You have to have to stop the stop 就必須要把止損要卡掉卡的緊And then the profit and loss ratio is reasonable 然後這個盈虧比要合理Because we have a commission 因為我們手續費It's about the same as I was in the cybercafe 差不多像我這個火幣網吧差不多At about eight or nine o'clock 在八九點左右So let's say we're making money 那我們比如說盈利Thirty points 三十個點So you're actually winning 20 points 那其實你也就是贏了二十幾的點Thirty point loss 虧損三十個點There's another 40 points lost there 那裏又虧了四十個點So we have to take into account this fee 所以說這個手續費我們一定要考慮進去So I would say that today 那我今天如果說差不多Feel the position 感覺到位置差不多了So I'll just use the normal heart 那我就先用平常心So let's just close out 我們先平倉出來Otherwise 不然的話If you wait until the evening, you're bored 如果等到晚上大家太無聊了And I wouldn't be able to do that for a long time 而且我也不可能放這麼長的時間Short term trading is a very short term 短線交易是此次都是很短的It's just a slightly larger pulse 就是做的一個差不多稍微大一點的脈衝For the daily graph or the hour line 對於日線圖啊或者小時線的That's a pulse for us 對我們來講就是一個脈衝Because this is going to find you 因為這個要找到你們Find a way to trade your personality 找到自己符合自己性格的交易方法Everyone finds their own time 每個人都找到自己的時候I'm making a comfortable deal 自己是在做舒服的交易Such deals tend to have a stop loss on their own 這樣的交易往往自己就還有一個止損I'm confident that I can do it well 也有信心能把它做得好Now we have reached the support level 現在已經到達了下面的支撐位Temporary break 暫時破了So we're going to try to flatten out 那我們準備先品嘗平掉Come out first 先出來I can't say 說不準Maybe he'll wait a minute and then go up and down again. 說不定他等一下就上去又下來上去又下來About the same 差不多And this is where we come out 這個位置讓我們像平常出來Good deal 好成交了I'm gon na stop here today 今天今天先到這裏啊Thank you 謝謝See you soon 觀看再見